Maximum Demand: The greatest of all demands of the
load that has occurred within a specified period of
time. |
Megawatt (MW):
One million watts. |
Megawatthour (MWh): One million watthours. |
MMcf: One million cubic feet. |
Natural Gas
A naturally occurring mixture of
hydrocarbon and nonhydrocarbon gases found in porous
geological formations beneath the earth's surface,
often in association with petroleum. The principal
constituent is methane. |
Net Capability
The maximum load-carrying ability of
the equipment, exclusive of station use, under
specified conditions for a given time interval,
independent of the characteristics of the load.
(Capability is determined by design characteristics,
physical conditions, adequacy of prime mover, energy
supply, and operating limitations such as cooling
and circulating water supply and temperature,
headwater and tailwater elevations, and electrical
use.) |
Net Generation
Gross generation minus plant use
from all electric utility owned plants. The energy
required for pumping at a pumped-storage plant is
regarded as plant use and must be deducted from the
gross generation. |
Net Summer Capability
The steady hourly output,
which generating equipment is expected to supply to
system load exclusive of auxiliary power, as
demonstrated by tests at the time of summer peak
demand. |
Net Winter Capability
The steady hourly output
which generating equipment is expected to supply to
system load exclusive of auxiliary power, as
demonstrated by tests at the time of winter peak
demand. |
Noncoincidental Peak Load
The sum of two or more
peakloads on individual systems that do not occur in
the same time interval. Meaningful only when
considering loads within a limited period of time,
such as a day, week, month, a heating or cooling
season, and usually for not more than 1 year. |
Non-Firm Power
Power or power-producing capacity
supplied or available under a commitment having
limited or no assured availability. |
Nonutility Power Producer
A corporation, person,
agency, authority, or other legal entity or
instrumentality that owns electric generating
capacity and is not an electric utility. Nonutility
power producers include qualifying cogenerators,
qualifying small power pro ducers, and other
nonutility generators (including independent power
producers) without a designated franchised service
area, and which do not file forms listed in the Code
of Federal Regulations, Title 18, Part 141. |
Nuclear Fuel
Fissionable materials that have been
enriched to such a composition that, when placed in
a nuclear reactor, will support a self-sustaining
fission chain reaction, producing heat in a
controlled manner for process use. |
Nuclear Power Plant
A facility in which heat
produced in a reactor by the fissioning of nuclear
fuel is used to drive a steam turbine. |