Qualifying Facility (QF)
A cogeneration or small
power production facility that meets certain
ownership, oper ating, and efficiency criteria
established by the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC) pursuant to the Public Utility
Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA). (See the Code of
Federal Regulations, Title 18, Part 292.) Part 292. |
Railroad and Railway Services
Railroad and railway
services include electricity supplied and services
rendered to railroads and interurban and street
railways, for general railroad use, including the
propulsion of cars or locomotives, where such
electricity is supplied under separate and distinct
rate schedules. |
Rate Base
The value of property upon which a
utility is permitted to earn a specified rate of
return as established by a regulatory authority. The
rate base generally represents the value of property
used by the utility in providing service and may be
calculated by any one or a combination of the
following accounting methods: fair value, prudent
investment, reproduction cost, or original cost.
Depending on which method is used, the rate base
includes cash, working capital, materials and
supplies, and deductions for accumulated provisions
for depreciation, contributions in aid of
construction, customer advances for construction,
accumulated deferred income taxes, and accumulated
deferred investment tax credits. |
Ratemaking Authority
A utility commission's legal
authority to fix, modify, approve, or disapprove
rates, as determined by the powers given the
commission by a State or Federal legislature.
Receipts: Purchases of fuel. |
The governmental function of controlling
or directing economic entities through the process
of rulemaking and adjudication. |
Reserve Margin (Operating)
The amount of unused
available capability of an electric power system at
peakload for a utility system as a percentage of
total capability. |
The residential sector is defined as
private household establishments which consume
energy pri marily for space heating, water heating,
air conditioning, lighting, refrigeration, cooking
and clothes drying. The classification of an
individual consumer's account, where the use is both
residential and commercial, is based on principal
use. For the residential class, do not duplicate
consumer accounts due to multiple metering for
special services (water, heating, etc.). Apartment
houses are also included. |
Sales covering electrical energy supplied
for residential, commercial, and industrial end-use
purposes. Other small classes, such as agriculture
and street lighting, also are included in this
Revenue: The total amount of money received by a
firm from sales of its products and/or services,
gains from the sales or exchange of assets, interest
and dividends earned on investments, and other
increases in the owner's equity except those arising
from capital adjustments. |
Running and Quick-Start Capability
The net
capability of generating units that carry load or
have quick-start capability. In general, quick-start
capability refers to generating units that can be
available for load within a 30-minute period. |